Kina är ett land som utvecklas i rasande fart, men hur är det att vara karriärkvinna där? har pratat med Claire Zhang som gjort en bra karriär men undrar om det är på bekostnad av ett familjeliv.
Name: Clare Zhang
Occupation: Project Management Director
Live in town/city: Shanghai
Favourite book: Bible
Famous person I would like to have dinner with: Julia Eileen Gillard (Australian politician), I want to know if she has to choose to stay single because of her career…
1. How would you describe the business climate in China? How is the climate for women in China?
I would say the business climate in China is in full swing. Most people have the sense of doing business, especially the young people. The situation of employment market is not positive, young people prefer to doing their own business, and they have the passion, energy, and courage for it, which is also encouraged by the government.
But to be honest, the business climate for women is not always good. It depends on what kind of industry the women choose. In some industries, there’s still some prejudice and barrier for women, but in some industries, such as training and teaching, culture related, fashion, arts etc women could have the advantages. But self-employed single women could face heavier pressure and barriers in life.
2. What does an ordinary work day look like for you?
Usually, 8:30 am I arrive to the office, a few meetings in the day, project documents preparing, visiting customers from time to time, lunch with colleagues at 11:30am, 5:30pm finish work.
3. Are women in business discussed in Chinese media?
Yes, there’s always program on media to discuss business women. But I think China is still a traditional country, the society and people prefer women pay more attention on family.
4. What is your dream position?
I hope I can do something for my own one day, maybe working as a writer or translator, or doing culture exchange etc.
5. Is there anything special cultural wise that is good to know about Chinese people when doing business?
Chinese people are not very direct in business, and public relationship is very important in doing business successful, also many business get done in the feast table.
6. What do Chines women dream of in their lives?
Everyone has different dream for life, don’t they? But generally, I think most Chinese women hope to be financially secure because there’s not good enough welfare in present China.
Avslutningsvis frågar Claire mig om jag känner några singelmän i Europa som jag kan introducera henne för. Kanske ytterligare en kulturell skillnad? Jag försökte förklara att det är ovanligt i Sverige att introducera kvinnor som inte bor i landet men att jag uppfattat önskemålet och hon tackar så mycket för att jag gör henne den tjänsten.